Monday, March 7, 2011


The signs are here for all to see
Long winter cold is nearly past.
Red robins chirp in fits of glee.
The signs are here for all to see.
Green swelling buds soon leaf the trees.
Pink tulips will appear at last.
The signs are here for all to see.
Long winter cold is nearly past.

My simple attempt at a One Stop Poetry Form – Triolet


  1. I love it. This was a new challenge for me. Nailed in Beverly.

  2. It's a beautiful ode to Spring. Very well done with absolutely accurate iambic tetrameter. And such a fine topic for a triolet. If it was you who left a comment on mine, I'm afraid it was eaten by wordpress before I had the chance to read it. Thanks for this though. Lovely, Gay

  3. A lovely springtime triolet...and I am so happy it is nearly here..bkm

  4. Lovely ode to spring and yes! You nailed the triolet form, iambs are nicely presented, and you're refrain lines are strong and repeated! Thank you ever so much for linking in, and I hope to see you next week!
